I worked in a public sector environment for 35 years, and 10 years as a management consultant. Job Roles were mainly based in the Strategy team of Human Resources, working out of the main office with services which included Housing Management, Adult Social Care and Training & Development. I was also a Licenced Trainer using the European Foundation for Quality Management model. Whilst working within the pubic sector, I also spent time working as a Senior Assessor helping organisations, including SMEs, Banks and University departments, to prepare for external statutory inspections. Exploring systems and processes in place, and ensuring Key Performance Indicators were the relevant KPIs to measure etc. Prior to retirement, I was a Chartered Member of the IPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development UK), an accreditation which reflects knowledge and experience of leading on and delivering solutions within organisations relative to its people. The interest in people has continued into retirement and is reflected in subsequent publications.
All of my writing draws on observations of behaviour and emotions, and the impact on individuals and groups.
As a Writer, I use part of my mother’s name in my pseudonym to acknowledge the impact she had on my life and how much of an inspirational woman she was/still is to the family. The aim is to leave work that adds to the body of knowledge and research in some small way. Publications and work in the media over the last few years, have covered experiences of a number of people (some observational others via direct communication), with an element of my personal experiences here and there
The aim of this site, is for it to be a place to share the love of literature, and to be a hub of information and resource sharing on a wide range of subjects. I hope that I can highlight people out there, trying to make their mark in the world, and ultimately for a resource network to develop which can give and receive assistance or knowledge to/from others. i.e. a swap shop of ideas. Buyers of my publications come from various parts of the world. I am hoping that the interaction of an emerging network on here will be international too.
I have met with many women’s groups over the years, some of which related to domestic violence, financial poverty, housing issues, marital breakdown, mental health issues that arose out of difficult situations, to name a few areas. I have worked with parents/carers of adults with a learning and/or physical disability and researched the time lag between personal day to day needs juxtaposed with financial pressures on social care trying to meet societal structures. Legislative changes and the pressures of professional qualifications trying to keep pace. Changing age profiles of the working population. Planning workforce structures and skill sets for future business needs. The impact of austerity measures on vulnerable groups in society. I have a MSc in Human Resource Management, Post Graduate qualifications in Strategic Workforce Planning and Development and a love for research. I did in fact embark on a PhD, but due to personal circumstances, involving a change of location and a transient home base for a while, that had to be put on hold. One day I may be able to return to endeavouring to add to the body of knowledge on a given topic, and achieve my Doctorate. Right now, my focus is on establishing a credible platform for small to medium businesses to thrive, with the emphasis on under represented groups at the top commissioning tables of business and publishing. We are creating our own table, in the spirit of a speech given by Meghan Markle, (as she was then) to an audience of the UN personnel.
Future publications will cover the above topics and more, with the focus always being on the impact on the individuals involved and the ripple effect to society – local and further afield.