Episode 101
SGUK 100 Podcasts – Jun 2021 to Early Jul 2023 – The Main Themes – A Summary
Introduction This podcast is different to the usual style because it is an outline of every podcast that has been produced on this channel to date, and divided up into categories. When I embarked on this journey of setting up a channel on my own, it was done with the intention of supporting Harry and Meghan, but in such a way, that was in keeping with the values shown on the Archewell Foundation website, and importantly I wanted to try wherever possible to try and ensure that my opinions were evidence based and corroborated wherever possible with academic research. My background prior to retirement was in Human Resources, and in particular Policy and Strategy – including workforce planning and development – all to Chartership status. The aim was for each podcast to be informative and entertaining at the same time. I looked at the treatment of Harry and Meghan from a human resource perspective, and in particular a Psychological perspective, and used academic models and approaches in terms of assessment and categorisation of a widening range of punitive measures by certain protagonists, wrapped up (ie hidden behind pseudo descriptions, aka excuses) and in so doing, tried to balance entertainment with evidence. Any academic models used were used as a user friendly way, to depict in a diagram or chart, situations or behaviours that we had explored for most of each podcast. Research never dominated each podcast, but was there to rubber stamp our discussions. Most podcasts were accompanied by an article, which listed most of the reference sources used to put the podcast together. Some of the earlier podcasts did not have an article published, but I soon realised that it was a methodical way to record everything moving forward, for those who doubted how I came to have the thoughts I had about the abusive treatment used against Harry and Meghan and then their children, and it would help when the time came to publish all of those articles and views and research in one place. This summary relates to the first 100 Episodes of podcasts on the SGUK channel commencing in June 2021 and reaching 100 Episodes in early July 2023. All shown on YouTube and the audio versions on all mainstream audio outlets. You will note that in recent weeks, the focus of the channel is to focus only on the work and experiences of Harry and Meghan, as they choose to publicise information, and to ignore the usual British style of media reporting, which is news created for distraction, as opposed to the authentic news happening at any one time. There was a podcast done on this very subject, which basically stated that any nation that creates the news as opposed to writing about real news, has a failing economy and is the main reason for the distraction. This channel no longer reports on day to day fake drama. We focus on real people who are helping others or those who are in receipt of assistance in some way, by focusing on the work of The Archewell Foundation or community groups who operate on the same values in their aim to help others. As Harry and Meghan state on their website, it is “a hand held not a hand out”. The Framework of this Podcast Summary Themes from June 2021 to July 2023 The categories that emerged from those 100 episodes are as follows:-- Co-ordinated Hate Online
- History
- Mental Health
- Legal
- Value for Money
- Miscellaneous – which were specialist episodes focusing on an event, such as summary podcasts at key points, eg end of year.
Co-ordinated Hate online.
Herd Mentality,
Welcome to the Hunger Games,
Govt Propaganda Failing,
Who will be the next Whipping Boy/Girl?
Collective Narcissism
That Ship Sailed Bro
Welcome to the Windsor Twilight Zone
Some support charities and some swarm charities with toxicity.
Karens and Kevins.
I explore herd mentality and whether or not we are programmed to behave this way. I discuss why people hate and what happens in our brains when we do. The differences and connections between love and hate. I have done a small amount of research on crowd psychology, whether it be physically together, or via online platforms, and why and how people ‘fall or move’ into group decisions on what and how they post etc. I return to a topic that was touched upon in a podcast from last year (comparing the similarities between the UK Monarchy and a Cult) where I have explored the psychology of propaganda and how it can manifest itself in every day living, as opposed to times of wartime conflict. Conflict is still present, and the intent to persuade groups of the population to believe and come to a preset conclusion is still at play in any society who are not immediately identified as being involved in a much wider game at play. What is Deemed to be Hateful? There is no international legal definition of hate speech and the characterisation of what is termed ‘hateful’ is controversial and disputed. In terms of what the United Nations understand hate speech to be, and as outlined in their Strategy Plan of Action on Hate Speech, it states this as follows:-- Any kind of communication in speech, writing or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent or other identify factor.
- A natural desire to be part of the ‘in crowd’.
- In the case of the Sussexes, this analogy of herd mentality, seems apt. The Queen Bee has left the UK and the swarm of hate has followed.
- What is this herd mentality that is developing over a person that most will never meet but yet dominates their thought processes 24/7
- People become obsessed with what they see as injustice. They talk and think about nothing else.
- Cases tend to be things in personal lives. eg divorcing or separating couples. E.g. think here of the BRF, RRs, media and Royal fans. e., how they are dealing with the loss of one member of the Royal family to another continent, shaking what was deemed as solid ground for decades to come. The transition from uk tax funding Royal to becoming a self financing global corporate giant in less than a year, shook the aforemention groups to the core. Their shock turned to anger, and for the last few years has grown to hatred of dangerous proportions, with death threats openly posted or implied o social media and in the UK tabloids. The UK has sunk so low in that regard, it is not even news anymore. It is seen as normal rhetoric of the UK taxpayers expressing their opinion of a member of the Royal family, leaving the UK and taking his wife and children with him – a family that the loudest voices were quick to say, it did not matter as they were irrelevant and ultimately they will return to the fold.
Dukes of Sussex:- the majority of this narrative about the Dukes of Sussex centres more on the first Duke not least to prepare the ground for the comparisons and similarities with the present day, of which we already know so much. So please bear with me as I spent time on the summary of the first Duke. Along the way you will each most likely identify things that link to Prince Harry’s situation in some way or another. There is truly a wealth of information out there about most members of the British Royal family going back centuries. This podcast barely touches the surface of the information about the 12 surviving siblings of the first Duke of Sussex, let alone the information about his parents, whose mother was considered to mixed race by a few brave historians, but on the whole most historians did not comment about it. You may have noticed, if any of your watched the Netflix series Bridgerton, that Queen Charlotte was in fact as a person of colour without actually referring to the fact. Current and Former Duke of Sussex- They were/are considered somewhat rebellious – eg they challenges age-old traditions and shatter Royal stereotypes
- Queen Victoria considered the first Duke of Sussex to be her favourite Uncle, who did the honour of escorting her down the aisle when she married Prince Albert in 1840.
- An unspoken attitude to the existence of mixed race within Royalty at that time; I would say that not much has changed.
- Prince Harry had to officially request permission to marry Meghan. With the world looking, the Queen did not opt to refuse, yet as we all know now, and most people acknowledge that this was not one rogue member of staff but a concerted effort by the BRF to ensure that no wedding took place. I personally feel that even if the Queen had refused permission, Harry would have married Meghan anyway. In my mind he is very similar to the first Duke of Sussex.
- History gives an insight on how the Monarch has the power to erase hereditary entitlement or recognition if they so wish, under a variety of legislation/acts that only Royals would ever have the need to use. The wording of the very Acts themselves meant that no person outside of that structure could call upon it.
- Note how names are changed (like the 1stDuke of Sussex first wife. Using a name from her side of the family, and was in effect given money and a different Title to make it look better, but she and her children were still excluded but sugar coated by giving her a Scottish title and lived at a distance. When Augustus died, it was deemed he had no legitimate children to pass on his Duke of Sussex title, even though they had been born within a legitimate marriage but one that was not approved by the Monarch.
- Meghan’s removal from Archie’s birth certificate, but her Title remaining, is significant in my opinion. History will show the Royalty element, but no mention of the person behind the title. Slavery mentality in full view.
- Without giving ideas to people, I can see a variety of ways the BRF could have used aspects of Royal law and procedures, to ‘other’ Meghan if Harry had put the Royal family first. Harry leaving scuppered much of that scope of choice I am sure.
- I maintain the choice of the Sussex Dukedom was not accidental, though I think the Royal family had different ideas in terms of its relevance, than a sane thinking non misogynistic person could see. I am sure that there was a very high element of shade when the choice was made, and very little of it was seen in a positive light, but courtiers and media could spin it like it was a fabulous wedding gift to the couple.
- I believe that the first Duke of Sussex would have liked Harry and Meghan. They stood their ground when all around them were shooting poison arrows.
- The first Duke married who he wanted despite family opposition that he knew would follow. Both of his marriages were for love, and he did his best in the times that he lived in, to secure payments for his first wife and children before they separated for good. The annulment made no difference to the emotions involved.
- Augustus was never considered at the level of other brothers in the family. He was seen as the weak one due to his asthma, and yet he was the one who quietly became very interested in the arts and music and politics, and very outspoken on slavery and race issues. He was very well read too. His living quarters were never as palatial as others in his family, but he travelled a lot and experiences more about life outside of Royalty.
- Prince Harry had a tiny 2 bedroom cottage on Kensington Palace grounds. He was always treated like 2nd When he asked for accommodation for him as a married man, he was allocated Frogmore Cottage, not a section of Frogmore House. Former servants quarters, and still the smallest accommodation by far compared to the rest of the wider family. In the same grounds of Frogmore is another Royal who was deemed to be a rebel, Edward who gave up the throne to marry Wallace Simpson. Everything thrown Harry’s way, on the face of things, looked easy to spin in the media, but when examined closely, it was/is all shade
- Harry paying the faux renovation costs for a property that had designated funds in the Sovereign grant, in one go, scuppered the 12 year repayment deal that the Royal family tried to sell to Harry. It is no coincidence that the Cambridge children would become adults in 10 and 12 years respectively in terms of George and Charlotte. Once gain trying to use him as the Royal workhorse and Whipping Boy for distraction press coverage, but still prepared to cast him aside at the BRF convenience in 12 years time, under the disguise of him paying back a fictitious debt.
- You can see already how the institution is trying to do to Harry and Meghan’s children, what was done to The first Duke of Sussexes two children. Ie removed from the line of inheriting anything from their father upon his death. Packed off into the background, with his mother allocated a name from her mothers side of the family, and over time, meaning it would take an element of prior knowledge to find details of this lady and her two children.
- Every shady act done by the BRF and the media to stop the wedding taking place failed. The fact that the BRF acted quickly to remove footage of the Australian news interview with a certain person, who admitted this plot existed and people were paid to stop the wedding. All footage in the main high profile countries, as well as footage on the internet, was removed in hours. If this was not true, the BRF would have been silent. The official reason for its removal was that two former gossip publication personnel were named as being involved, and that they threatened to sue if it was not removed.
- The Sussexes are free, and are not dependant on the BRF for their existence. The Sussexes are involved in impactful work globally and are very high profile. They have options. Augustus stipulated that when he died he did not want to be buried on Royal grounds. I hoped that Harry and Meghan would do something similar when it came to the Christening, and I was pleased to hear that happened. I would have of course respected their choice, but this pick and mix approach that the BRF keep on pushing in order to deflect or to make the Firm feel relevant and important, is becoming tiresome now. Leave them to their games. They are in the dust clouds of the Sussexes now anyway.
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health the following factors could potentially result in a period of poor mental health:- childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect
- social isolation or loneliness
- experiencing discrimination and stigma, including racism
- social disadvantage, poverty or debt
- bereavement (losing someone close to you)
- severe or long-term stress
- having a long-term physical health condition
- unemployment or losing your job
- homelessness or poor housing
- being a long-term carer for someone
- drug and alcohol misuse
- domestic violence, bullying or other abuse as an adult
- significant trauma as an adult, such as military combat, being involved in a serious incident in which you feared for your life, or being the victim of a violent crime
- physical causes – for example, a head injury or a neurological condition such as epilepsy can have an impact on your behaviour and mood. (It’s important to rule out potential physical causes before seeking further treatment for a mental health problem).
- Stages of Leaving an Abusive Relationship
- Psychology of Jealousy and Envy
- Let Go of Toxic People in Your Life, Set Boundaries
- Response from a Freed Slave to Former Master’s Letter
- The Psychology of Resentment
- Still They Rise
- One Group Playing Draughts – One Group Playing Chess
- Royal Psychological Warfare Across Borders
- Fragile Ego and Leadership
- Brand UK = Dysfunctionality, Monarchy and Government
- It is OK to Cut Toxic Family Members Out of Your Life
- Separation Cycle of Abuse
- Never Underestimate the Power of the Mind
- What are Human Rights?
- Human Rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality, justice and
- Guaranteed to everyone without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
- Human Rights are part of international law, contained in treaties and declarations that spell out specific rights that countries are required to uphold. Some countries incorporate human rights in their own national state and local laws.
- Being Royal and Being Philanthropic
- Which Member of the BRF Are Publicly Funded?
- The Business of Royal Propaganda
- Private and Royal Patronages
- A Nation That Creates the News as Opposed to Reporting the News, Has a Failing Econopmy
- When the Service Model Becomes Obsolete
- Your Workforce Plan is All Wrong
- The Lost Souls of Windsor
- Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
- You Don’t Need Eyes to See, You Need Vision
- Could AI Replace Royal Reporters
- The Fish Always Rots From the Head
- The Magnificent 7 Coming to a Town Near You Soon
- Cocoon The Return to Windsor
- UK Royal Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
- House of Cards
- Royal Reporters – Time Up
- A Symbiotic Relationship – Time Up
- We See You
- Clout Chasing for Relevance
- The British Royal Family – Monarchy – Activity Type: Unknown but similar to Grifters; Right Wing Figurehead family.
- Media Barons – Royal Reporters Rota. TV media included in this category. Activity type: Propaganda Team for BRF
- Aristocracy – Activity: Unknown but appears like a faux society and gene pool for the BRF
- National Government – Activity: to ensure that the above groups all continue to exist, and to try and replicate the Hunger Games approach on the rest of the world. Where a few countries have grouped together for access to shared markets, in a similar style in some ways to the UK in its isolationist approach beyond its borders it is not working out quite as much or in the way the UK would have liked. Having withdrawn all its toys from the groups who want to play by the consensus approach, the country is beginning to be a little worse for wear at the moment. No matter, one of the distraction topics to get all the above groups talking is to focus on the one centre of worker bees in the country, who have started to exercise independent thought in recent years, and to provide their services and products on a global stage, whilst retaining their mental health and have the freedom to expand their workforce for the greater good and to provide Universal service on a global scale, without increasing risk to their health and safety. On 8thJanuary 2020 this centre of excellence declared its aims and objectives and by the end of March 2020 they set up a new office on another continent. It is doing very well. Meanwhile back on Skull Island, the various groups have become apoplectic. As a result a new group has emerged, enter the final group on this list
- The Key Board Warriors. Activity: to spend 23.5 hours every day searching for things they can blame the global entrepreneurs for, to invent new theories about their lifestyle and whether or not they are actually human. At the same time, they pretend to show allegiance to the BRF but the reality is, any Caucasian figurehead family would be expressed as their ideal, without actually doing anything tangible to prolong their existence or the number of charities which on paper are linked to the BRF in some way. The main purpose of this group is to generate hate and spread the hatred they have created between themselves, as it is their food source, and when none is readily available, create something and run with that. Following in the footsteps of the Carnival of Clown Experts, who work in a vacuum at the best of time, and exist purely on lies and hate inciting activity, but in recent times, their food supply is so low now, it is not worth including them as a category. They are on the way to becoming extinct, so there was little point including them in the Hunger Games tournament of 2021.The Keyboard Warriors feel they are a cut above that group, I mean they make diagrams and use crayons and things. Really detailed. They spend money obtaining documentation on a range of things, claiming it to be proof of their various theories. Their hunger is huge, but it must be said, their food sources are suspect, and as these sources are never shared with others in the tournament, they may go the in the same direction of the So Called Carnival of Clowns. I suspect law enforcement is waiting in the wings for one or two in both categories.
Thank You once again Mr Tyler Perry. We cannot say it too many times.
Ivy Barrow 23 July 2023 Reference Sources https://sites.manchester.ac.uk/global-social-challenges/2021/05/04/the-impact-of-the-past-how-british-colonialism-affects-the-modern-world/ https://www.yalsa.ala.org/thehub/2017/01/18/using-history-understand-current-social-issues/ https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/mental-health-problems-introduction/causes/ https://www.internetmatters.org/resources/tackling-online-hate-and-trolling/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269758020971060 https://fullfact.org/news/royal-family-are-we-getting-our-moneys-worth/ https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/united-nations-and-hate-speech/international-human-rights-law