Who’s Sorry Now?
Who’s Sorry Now? Definitely Not The Sussexes
Episode 8
It is important for a nation to realise that demographic changes affect all areas of human activity:- economic, social, cultural and political. All forward thinking businesses research, develop and build their business plans based essentially on those 4 areas listed above. Any business that plans activities outside those areas, is destined to fail at some point in the future. Not everything can be predicted but most things can be if policy makers and strategy specialists follow and interpret trends in each of those areas. Where things happen that could not be foreseen, then the ability and speed of flexibility comes into play.
The British Royal Family refers to itself as The Firm, not a family, yet it does not operate in any shape or form like a well run business. Times have changed, and businesses that remain in business by loyal customers, or who remained in a time warp together, are becoming few and...