Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Episode 134 Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room Introduction The Title of this podcast is taken from a song written and performed by one of my favourite musicians and writers, and that is “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” by John Mayer. I did a podcast in 2021 using the title of this track, and as I am revisiting the ongoing lack of foresight that exists in the UK figurehead family, it seemed appropriate to add the word “still” to the Title of this episode. The overall theme of “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” revolves around the complexities and struggles of a relationship that is on the brink of collapse. The burning room, a symbol of their relationship, communicates the chaos and destruction of their current state. The slow dancing, a symbol of both their complacency and their initial love, communicates their lack of success in finding a solution for their problems. Though their love is passionate, as evidenced by the tone of Mayer’s doomed lover, it’s riddled with practical problems that can only result in the collapse of their...
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IS IT THE POST THAT IS WANTED OR THE PRIVILEGE & PROTECTION THAT COMES WITH IT? WHO WOULD BE KING?   Episode 133   Introduction This week’s podcast is a little different to my usual content, but stay with me, and all will become clear.  As most of you know, I have zero interest in the day to day fake news and battles between people who I have less than zero interest in what they do day to day. Drama is created to keep in the tabloid headlines, along with all the other fake emotional fall out between people that most of the population of the UK do not give a moment thought to in any week, let alone on a daily basis.  Most of the population can name between 1 to possibly 3 people in the Royal Family on a good day, but beyond that most do not know or care who they are. The creation of the Royal Rota, despite the official rationale given for...
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There Can Be No Peace With Someone Who Wants to Destroy You. Remedy? Cut the Emotional Attachment

There Can Be No Peace With Someone Who Wants to Destroy You. Remedy? Cut the Emotional Attachment

Episode 131 There Can Be No Peace With Someone Who Wants to Destroy You Remedy? Cut the Emotional Attachment   Introduction Victims may respond to abuse in several ways including consuming drugs or alcohol, and/or by showing signs of humiliation, detachment, anger, and retaliation. Victims may also interpret abuse very differently including expressing feelings of guilt; this might depend on their social or cultural context. Victims can be resilient in some respects: it is important not to compare them to other victims but to consider how their day-to-day life has been affected. Refer to the Domestic Abuse prosecution guidance for further advice on self-defence and issues relevant to particular groups. Stalking or Harassment In cases of stalking or harassment, the support and safety needs of victims should be identified from the outset, and continually considered throughout the life of a case, by the police in dialogue with the prosecutor. Where available, this should also be informed by any specialist support the victim is receiving, for example, through an Independent...
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Meghan and Harry Divorced You All in March 2020

Meghan and Harry Divorced You All in March 2020

SGUK Ep 130 Harry and Meghan Divorced You All in March 2020 Introduction The podcast last week used the Kubler Ross model of the 7 Stages of Grief, to summarise the changing emotions and actions of the UK Establishment about Harry formally announcing on 8th January 2020 that he and Meghan were going to Step Back from their Senior Working Royal roles and leave the UK, with the aim to starting a new life independent from the UK taxpayers.  The previous 4 years had taken a terrible toll on the mental health of the Sussexes and the only way they feel can focus on healing and starting a new life and find ways to generate income, is to go it alone and seek out opportunities.  The risks to their lives has been increasing since 2016, and it has reached a point where for the sake of their mental health, it was necessary to step back from Royal working life and the sense of...
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UK Establishment Spent Last 8 years Travelling Up and Down the 7 Stages of Grief Model

UK Establishment Spent Last 8 years Travelling Up and Down the 7 Stages of Grief Model BRF & Royal Rota‘s Snakes & Ladder Journey on the 7 Stages of Grief Model From Nov 2019 to April 2024   2020 2021 2022 2023/24 Denial/Desperate for Answers Royal Family claimed to be blindsided by the Sussexes’ announcement about Stepping Back.  False. Discussions had been going on for months.  Prolonging the process unnecessarily for H&M it seems.  H&M forced by a story being leaked by a tabloid newspaper, the Duke of Sussex issued a Statement on 8th January 2020 re Stepping Back from Senior Royal duties and to become financially independent of the Royal Family, commencing in the new financial year.   No financial activity in respect of Archewell Foundation in this year.   BRF & Royal Rota no longer in denial now.  Strategy clearly moved on to ‘operation destroy the Sussexes’ by any means possible.  Ie Try to destroy their credibility as business partners.  Destroy their characters.   Archewell Bank Account opened Desperate for answers, but nothing...
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Why Do Once Successful Brands Fail and Others Survive?

Why Do Once Successful Brands Fail and Others Survive?

Why Do Once Successful Brands Fail and Others Survive?   SGUK Episode 128   Introduction Why do large companies fail? The reasons are numerous; the world and its problems are more complex than ever. In this article, we examine three key factors - leadership, financial and differentiation. Many large companies have failed. Some have gone bankrupt; others have substantially reduced in size and fallen from an industry leadership position. What caused their downfall, and what lessons have we learnt? The world has changed dramatically since many well-known and trusted 'rocks' of business were born. However, reinvention, improvement, and the ability to disrupt the market is required at such a rate that many companies can't keep up. In all of the examples and extracts from various reference sources, think of the UK Monarchy when you hear the points being made.  Think of the Monarchy as The Firm not a Family. Think of the Firm as a business, and then the analogy becomes easier to transfer across to the issues...
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Never Dim Your Light For The Sake of Others

Never Dim Your Light For The Sake of Others

  Never Dim Your Light For the Sake of Others Episode 127 Introduction Sometimes when we are in our joy, creativity or passion, it can spark an unexpected reaction in other people. We feel that what we are expressing is good and positive (which it is) yet another person may react as though we have done something wrong or may even be a little hostile for no obvious reason. All Sussex supporters who were around in the Royal Arena from 2016, will never forget the treatment of Meghan by members of the institution, their friends in media and government and key people in strategic positions who all did the bidding of this powerful family.  All once an invisible arrangement but those of us who have ancestral information of similar treatment, and its modern day versions in recent centuries, we recognise abuse when we see it. All of those in the establishment know it too, but most of them cannot even admit to themselves never mind...
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Cult or Monarchy Family?

Cult or Monarchy Family?

Monarchy or Cult - Mind Control   Episode 122   Introduction The podcast this week looks at the constituent parts that make up any Monarchy, but in this case we are looking at the UK Monarchy, as an institution referred to as The Firm, and as a family.  We will look at the rules and regulations formally recorded and referred to from time to time, in order to make clear the boundaries set around what the Monarchy exists for, and how to go about its business.  In recent years, when individual members have dared to express independent thought about how something could be handled, or ways in which visits to other nations are to be conducted and why, or even in terms when some individuals have thoughts on relationships/business arrangements with people or person, internal or external to the UK there are barriers or open doors offered, dependent upon who wants to go through. It seems in summary, The Firm has a whole host of...
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Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund_Episode 12 in a Series of 12_featuring Steam Connection and Young People’s Aliance

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Episode 12 of 12 Steam Connection and Young People’s Alliance   SGUK Episode 116   Steam Connection About Us:- The STEAM Connection is dedicated to a vital mission: ensuring that young minds have access to technical education by harnessing the transformative potential of robotics. However, our purpose goes beyond mere instruction. We are a collective of underrepresented individuals, members of the youth, who never had the privilege of seeing ourselves reflected in the media during our formative years. By amplifying our narratives and sharing our unique experiences, we aim to inspire every young person who shares our background to recognize that they too belong in this world. Indigenous youths deserve access to culturally responsive + accessible technical education one robot at a time Building The Future One Step at a Time The STEAM Connection is on a mission to make technical education accessible for youth through the power of robotics. ​About Us Indigenous youths deserve access to culturally responsive + accessible technical education. 11k+ Free EKGAR robots sent 800k+ Youths reached...
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RT Youth Power Fund_Part 11 of 12_ReThink_Seattle Student Union_ Seek Common Ground

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Part 11 of 12 ReThink & Seattle Student Union & Seek Common Ground   Episode 115 ReThink ReThink is an award-winning, innovative, nonintrusive, patented technology that effectively detects and stops online hate before the damage is done.  ReThink is a student-led movement too! “ReThink is transforming lives and conquering cyberbullying. Together, we will end digital hate “- forever.- Trisha PrabhuCEO of ReThink, Inc. How did it all start?  It started when Trisha decided to be engaged UpStander, and not a silent ByStander In the fall of 2013, Trisha, then 13 years old, read a news story about the suicide of an 12 year old girl from Florida who had been repeatedly cyber-bullied by her classmates. She was shocked, heartbroken, and outraged. She wondered - how could a girl younger than herself be pushed to take her own life? She knew, something had to change. Deeply moved by the silent pandemic of cyberbullying and passionate to stop it in adolescents, Trisha created the patented...
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Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Part 10 of 12 Re Our Subscription to Addiction – Public Knowledge – Reboot

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Part 10 of 12 Re Our Subscription to Addiction – Public Knowledge – Reboot   Episode 114 Our Subscription to Addiction         Public Knowledge 2023 Emerging Tech Emerging Tech brings together public interest advocates, policymakers, and companies to discuss the promise, pitfalls, and policy implications of cutting-edge tech. Public Knowledge hosts Emerging Tech to bring together public interest advocates, policymakers, and companies on the cutting edge of technology. The event helps inform policymakers about the promise, potential pitfalls, and policy implications of fast-moving tech dominating headlines and impacting our society in new ways. We invite industry experts from across the country to join us for an all-day discussion as well as a reception and tech showcase, where guests can experience the latest technologies first-hand and get to know the people driving the next iteration of the internet. In 2023, the event focused on generative AI, XR technologies, and the decentralized web. Science fiction novelist, journalist, and technology activist Cory Doctorow keynoted the event. Doctorow...
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Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Part 9 of 13 Re The Log Off Movement and Next Gen Connect

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Part 9 of 13 Re The Log Off Movement and Next Gen Connect   SGUK Ep 113 The Log Off Movement – About Us The LOG OFF movement was created in June of 2020 by the then high school senior, Emma Lembke. The movement formed in response to Lembke’s personal struggle with social media usage, its negative impact on her mental health, and the absence of youth voices in the dialogue surrounding social media advocacy. Once launched, LOG OFF dedicated itself to uplifting and empowering youth to tackle the complexities of social media and its impact on younger generations. Initially, this mission was accomplished through an array of initiatives housed within their website: advocacy efforts, youth leadership community, podcast, and blog. As the LOG OFF movement has evolved over the past 3 years, so have its efforts.   OUR MISSION LOG OFF is a youth-led, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to helping kids, teens, and young people build healthy relationships with social media and online platforms. Our Vision We envision...
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RT Youth Power Fund – Part 8 of 13 – Half the Story and Institute for Strategic Dialogue

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Episode 112 – Part 8 of 13 Half The Story and The Institute for Strategic Dialogue   Half the Story #HalfTheStory is the pioneering non-profit on a mission to empower the next generation's relationship with technology through research, education, and advocacy.   In May 2015, our founder, Larissa May shared her struggle with mental health on social media and #HalfTheStory was born, pioneering  the leading digital wellbeing movement for the next generation. We work with educational institutions, State and Federal governments, and fortune 500 companies to create new standards 🌟 OUR PURPOSE We believe that knowledge is power and a world that thrives with technology is possible. A world where teens aren’t consumed by unregulated algorithms. Where no one falls for fake news over real facts. Where we, not big data, have control over our lives. A world where digital wellbeing is a fundamental human right. Our mission is to rebuild the next generation’s relationship with technology, and it starts with unpacking the toll...
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Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Good for Media and Generation Patient

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Good for Media and Generation Patient

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Good for Media and Generation Patient Episode 111 Part 7 out of 13 in this Series   Introduction The Non Profit organisations which are looking at today, is Generation Patient and Good For Media. Good for MEdia #GoodforMEdia is a peer mentoring campaign for older teens and young adults to share their personal stories, insights and strategies with younger teens and tweens to support their healthy engagement with technology and social media. Young people are gaining access to technology and social media at younger and younger ages. This opens up amazing new ways to play, connect and create. But most of these platforms were not created with our best interests in mind and are filled with potential pitfalls and dilemmas that can threaten our mental health and wellbeing. Many of us lack adequate guidance from the adults in our lives to fully understand the risks and make informed choices. We believe in the power of peers to influence and educate each other in...
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RT Youth Power Fund – Detroit Heals Detroit and Encode Justice

RT Youth Power Fund – Detroit Heals Detroit and Encode Justice

RT Youth Power Fund – Detroit Heals Detroit and Encode Justice Episode 109   Introduction Who We Are – Our Mission and Vision Mission:  Detroit Heals Detroit exists to foster healing justice for Detroit youth in which they are able to transform their pain into power. With a goal to combat trauma, we use healing centered engagement to share our greatest vulnerabilities with the rest of the world while simultaneously working to dismantle oppressive systems for marginalized Detroit youth. Vision:  Our organization was created by Detroit youth for Detroit youth, between the ages of 12-21, who have been walking and developing in a world that has sought to silence their pain. Exposure to trauma has a profound impact on cognitive development and academic outcomes and our specific students in Detroit seem to wake up to trauma like its breakfast. We understand that Detroit youth face more challenges than any individual person can remedy so our goal is to help each other heal from the trauma together. We need...
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RT Youth Power Fund – Design it For Us and Cyber Collective – Part 4

RT Youth Power Fund – Design it For Us and Cyber Collective – Part 4 Episode 108 Introduction In this weeks podcast, the fourth in our series of non profit organisations who were successful in securing grant funding, to help with their research and development of various forms of technology and the safety concerns for people using such systems in the future.  Today we are looking at Design it for Us and the Cyber Collective We are young people - TAKING ON BIG TECH Endorsed Legislation California Age Appropriate Design Code PASSED Background Unanimously passed by the California State Legislature and signed into law in September 2022, the California Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) is a landmark bipartisan law to protect kids online by design and by default. The AADC is first-of-its-kind legislation, giving children high privacy for their personal data, and instructing companies to change features that use data to expose children to risks and intrusion. The California AADC was inspired by the UK’s AADC, which has already...
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Archewell Foundation, Sussex Global UK
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Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Civics Unplugged & Connected Camps – Part 3

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Civics Unplugged & Connected Camps – Part 3

Responsible Technology Youth Power Fund – Civics Unplugged & Connected Camps – Part 3 SGUK Episode 107 WHAT WE DO Civics Unplugged is an ecosystem dedicated to training, funding, and connecting young people who are using new approaches to solving issues in democracy, climate, our lives online, and so much more. OUR PROGRAMS Civics Unplugged programs blend history, civics, and democracy with emerging technology, culture, and personal development. Our goal is to prepare Fellows to find lifelong pathways in social impact, and be empowered to turn ideas into reality. They run year-round in-person and virtually. Any high school student can apply. Civics Unplugged Programs are designed for high school aged leaders who have innovative ideas to solve community issues – and want to start building them now. All Programs are tuition free. Participants will join a global community of civic leaders, learn from leaders, and get hands on experience with new ideas and technologies that are changing the world. Graduates get access to funding, internships, and mentorship that turns...
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2023 RESPONSIBLE TECH YOUTH POWER FUND COHORT Part 2 Part Two Episode 106   Introduction Continuing our foray into the 26 organisations who secured grant funding for their Technology based projects, we are once again going to take a look at two more non profits from the 2023 Cohort. Grants announced on 3rd August 2023. The two in the spotlight this week are: 5 Rights Foundation and the Center for Intimacy Justice. 5Rights Foundation 5Rights Foundation, the brainchild of Baroness Beeban Kidron, started as a set of principles that would reimagine the digital world as a place children and young people were afforded their existing right to participate in the digital world creatively, knowledgeably and fearlessly. Endorsed and informed by academics, parents, policy makers, teachers and healthcare professionals, these principles were also shaped by what children and young people told us they needed from the digital world to thrive. In 2018, 5Rights developed from an idea into an organisation. Now an internationally active non-governmental, non-profit charitable organisation, 5Rights Foundation...
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  2023 RESPONSIBLE TECH YOUTH POWER FUND COHORT Part One   SGUK Episode 105 AI CONSENSUS AI Consensus, a student movement sponsored by Minerva University, is dedicated to transforming education by empowering the ethical and responsible use of AI tools. Our mission is anchored in fostering dialogues that bring together diverse perspectives and a belief in the importance of learning. About AI Consensus on their website: “We are students at Minerva University, ranked the World’s Most Innovative University, who are passionate about learning and creating a more effective education system. We started this initiative in February 2023 in response to schools across the world banning the use of ChatGPT in the classroom”. Shaping the Future of AI in the Classroom – A student movement empowering the responsible and ethical use of AI tools. "Every field of professional education needs to be working on new solutions, but we are stuck in a no man's land." 4 Pillars for AI in Education   Extract from the Medium site, populated by the AI Consensus group of students:- We...
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More Developments for Girls Inc Plus a Visit to Capitol Hill

More Developments for Girls Inc Plus a Visit to Capitol Hill

The Positive Impact of Archewell Foundation Continues More Developments for Girls Inc Plus a Visit to Capitol Hill (Episode 104) I received an email this week from Girls Inc outlining a few developments. I consider it to be worthy of a podcast on its own. In the email there was a link to a Newsletter relating to the 2023 inclusion on the Top 50 Non Profit Organisations in the USA, and details of the respective CEOs. Here is an extract from that Newsletter. We are thrilled to announce that Girls Inc. President & CEO, Stephanie J. Hull, has been named to the 2023 Nonprofit Times Power and Influence Top 50 list. Stephanie's remarkable leadership, vision, and work to equip a new generation of leaders to reach their full potential earned her a well-deserved place among the top nonprofit leaders of 2023.  Read more about the award and how Stephanie has distinguished herself as an initiator, innovator, and true trailblazer The link to the Newsletter is at the end...
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Equimundo Report__State of The World’s Fathers 2023

Equimundo Report__State of The World’s Fathers 2023

Report: State of the Worlds Fathers 2023   SGUK Episode 102 Introduction A direct quote from the Archewell Foundation website about the Equimundo organisation and that Archewell is one a group of organisations who are providing support to enable Equimundo to achieve its aims and objectives. “Equimundo, an organization working internationally to engage men and boys as allies in gender equality, has released the State of the World’s Fathers 2023 report. They conducted research across 17 countries and surveyed thousands of men and women. The 2023 data shows that men are increasingly involved in caregiving and would like to increase their care work at home, although deeply ingrained social norms and a lack of supportive policies and power structures discourage them from doing so. The report recognizes care work as the bedrock of society, and calls for continued advancements towards gender equality. It also emphasizes the need for media representation that normalizes men’s caregiving roles. The Archewell Foundation is proud to have supported this report, as well as Equimundo’s continued...
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SGUK Impact of Archewell Foundation – A Series – Part 4  Harvest Home and The Love Land Foundation

SGUK Impact of Archewell Foundation – A Series – Part 4 Harvest Home and The Love Land Foundation

SGUK Impact of Archewell Foundation – A Series – Part 4 Harvest Home and The Love Land Foundation Episode 100   Introduction Hello everyone, this podcast is continuing our series of looking at community organisations that the Archewell Foundation have assisted over the last 3+ years, and organisations who Archewell Foundation have partnered with.  The aim of this series is to highlight the impact of the work being done day in day out, behind the scenes, without fuss.  People just out here on these streets, uplifting others in a variety of ways.  For a company so young in its lifespan, Archewell has achieved so much, but you never see those who should be looking at the societal group that taxpayers have to fund with no say in whether or not that is what they want to do, ever writing articles or discussing Archewell business in anything but negative rhethoric. UK Media, ie tabloids owned by people who live and pay taxes outside of the UK, have...
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The Impact of Archewell Foundation_A Series_ Part 3_ World Central Kitchen

The Impact of Archewell Foundation_A Series_ Part 3_ World Central Kitchen

The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – A Series Part 3 [Episode 99]   Introduction This week we continue our foray into a sample of the organisations who Harry and Meghan have partnered with or have assisted by way of funds to a number of small to medium organisations, by the Archewell Foundation..  This week we are looking at one of the Partnerships, and the following is direct quote from the Archewell website. “At The Archewell Foundation our core purpose is, quite simply, to do good. We meet the moment by showing up, taking action, and using our unparalleled spotlight to uplift and unite communities, both local and global, online and offline. We believe that philanthropic work is more than a handout, it’s a hand held. To activate this belief, we independently create dynamic and impactful programming to serve communities in need. We also partner with key organizations and leaders to identify immediate needs, build meaningful initiatives, and drive long-term change. Baked into all that we do is...
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The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – A Series – Part Two

The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – A Series – Part Two

The Impact of the Archewell Foundation - A Series - Part Two Featuring - URL Media and PressPad   Introduction Hello everyone.  Ivy here.  This weeks podcast looks at two media organisations that are working in partnership with the Archewell Foundation over the last two plus years.  One is USA based and the other is based here in the UK.  Both have increased their activity over the last couple of years or so, but like all small organisations, any help with promotion of their aims and objectives can never do any harm.  Both have measurable data relating to the impact of their work with a variety of individuals and groups.  Nothing on here is about any type of performative activity.  Much ore detail on their respective websites – this is just an overview to show how when project leaders know what they are doing, and join forces with like minded people, and then can be blessed with additional resources this is how you uplift...
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The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – A Series

The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – A Series

The Impact of the Archewell Foundation – (A Series) Episode 97   Introduction The next few podcasts of Sussex Global UK will be covering the impact of some of Meghan and Harry’s work, by shining a light on partnership organisations and people they have helped, in a variety of ways, and the impact that it is had and aspirations of those organisations for the future. Harry and Meghan and their team have made measurable differences in the organisations that they partner with and together they have made a difference in the lives of those who use their services..  Harry and Meghan’s actions are not performative.  Every task and schedule has been carefully thought out and planned with strategies and timescales and resources required. Announcements are usually made when they are near completion. The podcasts coming up over the next couple of months or so, will shine a light on those out there working at community level and their hopes and plans for the future. The...
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Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye

Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye

Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye Episode: 96      Introduction This podcast and the SGUK Channel moving forward, relates to Harry & Meghan  focusing on their life and Foundation, as opposed to flying back and forth to the UK to be disrespected each time. Harry stated that they are moving forward not looking back. I publicised a few weeks ago that this channel will be doing the same. I am not going to devote large scale sections of my podcast making reference to the BRF in articles or podcasts. That only serves to keep them relevant. I don’t react to the regular nonsense publicised deliberately to get a reaction. They have followers to do that – I do not see our role to do the same. If their followers don’t do that then that is a BRF family problem not ours. H&M have no reason to play the game of ‘invite but no invite and then back to invite’ etc. That is...
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Challenges and Achievements

Challenges and Achievements

Harry and Meghan – Challenges and Achievements Since Independence SGUK Episode 91  Introduction This channel is going to focus on the work of Harry and Meghan, and in the coming weeks, most podcasts won’t have any more than a footnote in terms of mention of the British Royal Family – if any at all. They are mentioned here and there in this podcast, because this is the first step on this element of the Sussex trajectory and the content of this podcast moving forward.  It is not for this channel to give the BRF relevance in Sussex activity.  There is a whole team of Royal Rota journalists that are more than the double the size of the Working Royals, who are employed to show that the BRF is relevant in todays society, whether that is the case or not.  That is their role, not mine.   What are the key areas for my podcast channel going forward? The Sussexes have been very successful, despite family interference...
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Hate for Hire – UK Tabloid Journalists Legacy

Hate for Hire – UK Tabloid Journalists Legacy

Hate for Hire - UK Journalists Legacy Introduction This extract from an article in the Independent published in November 2015, still applies today.  Events since that article has provided more than enough evidence which clearly states there is a growing problem, relating to the various ways now that hate rhetoric is spread around the globe, and the targets of that rhetoric are suffering and some have lost their lives.  It links to aspects of Human Rights Legislation, and the framework around the Human Rights Act, needs to reflect the modern developments in terms of how to recognise and deal with perpetrators.   The role of the media in the rise of hate crime in the UK is unequivocal. For too long now the right-wing tabloid press in the UK has vilified minorities and vulnerable groups. This vilification is by no means a new phenomenon and has long existed in British Media. By  Sajda Mughal OBE 7/7 Survivor, Multi award winning community activist and counter extremism expert. 24/10/2017 12:29pm BST Unrecognisable...
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British Royal Family and The Brexit Vote – The Same Business Model

British Royal Family and The Brexit Vote – The Same Business Model

BRF and Brexit Vote – Same Business Model  SGUK Ep 89   On 23rd June 2016, the UK Referendum on European Membership took place in the UK and Gibralter, commonly referred to the European Referendum or the Brexit Referendum. The vote resulted in 51.9% of the votes cast were I favour of leaving the EU. The referendum itself was not legally binding but the government of the day decided to implement the result – the wish of the people etc. In October 2016 tabloids began to publish articles about Meghan and Harry’s relationship and that it appeared that Harry was “besotted” with Meghan.  The tabloids claimed their information came from reliable sources – their usual MO.  The articles were far from complimentary, and it was evident that the tabloids in their usual sleazy style went digging for as much information as possible.  It was also clear that they had decided looking for salacious news would attract more attention than looking for positive news about...
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Support and Uplift Charities v Swarm Charities With Toxicity in Comment Section

Support and Uplift Charities v Swarm Charities With Toxicity in Comment Section

Support and Uplift Charities v Swarm Charities With Toxicity in Their Comment Sections SGUK Ep 63   Introduction This podcast looks at two distinct groups who support two of people, who are polar opposites in terms of a value base. One is focussed on undertaking projects with outcome focussed results, and including local people impacted by interventions in the planning of each project. The aim is to ensure that they are in a position to have input and to advise what has more chance of success due to environmental factors of various types, as opposed to creating additional damage to the infrastructure of an area or target audience for a future project. The other network relies on traditional support at any activity that they undertake.  There is no measurement of output or any real auditing in terms of benefits achieved and VFM.  Traditionally their support base has been there for decades and will continue to support the entity just for being there.  It has...
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Entry in Societal Groups Based on Race and Privilege?

Entry in Societal Groups Based on Race and Privilege?

Entry in Societal Groups Based on Race and Privilege? Ep 62   Introduction “The social structure of Britain has been highly influenced by the concept of classes. The class system is prevalent in the society of the United Kingdom in the 21st century too. The different classes were formed depending on various factors such as education levels, income and the type of occupation. As per the norms of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, there were basically two social classes. One was called as the House of Lords, comprising of the hereditary upper class and another one was the House of Commons, representing everyone else in the British social hierarchy. We will first discuss the social system of former Britain and then the social system that is prevalent today in  modern Britain. The hierarchy that was prevalent at the time of formation of Great Britain is as follows: Royal Peer or Nobles Baronet Knight Gentry Yeomen Tradesmen Cottagers   Royal: This class belonged to the royal family and was the highest rank....
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Not Even The King

Not Even The King

NOT EVEN THE KING   Introduction This week’s podcast explores sibling relationships within a family business, and whether or not there is a difference in a family setting.  I have looked at a number of reference sources relating to the fall out when a sibling leaves the family business, and in doing so, explored and will make a number of personal observations, as to how the UK Royal Family responded to one person leaving the family not least because they did not regard or treat Meghan as a member of the family or as an employee, and if the truth be known, they used and continue to regard Meghan like bait that hunters and their dogs go after for sport.  No regard to the suffering, it is all a game in Royal circles.  Hunter and Prey mentality.  Seek and destroy the runaway slaves.  The fact that a blue blood prince chose his wife and family over his family, meant that he was regarded...
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Reporting on The Sussexes in the UK – Misinformation and Disinformation Techniques

Reporting on The Sussexes in the UK – Misinformation and Disinformation Techniques

Reporting on The Sussexes in the UK – Misinformation & Disinformation Techniques   The article accompanying this weeks podcast looks at a selection of Sussex key dates in 2021 & 2022, focussing on the UK media practice of misinformation or disinformation about each one, with the intent to distract from actual newsworthy editorial that should be reported on.  We have plenty to look forward to in 2022 with many key events in the calendar.  Be prepared for the distraction tactics to go up a gear or two. UK RRs are currently having dry baths in the ashes that they claimed to wish for, ie the apparent popularity of the relics of UK Monarchy. We know that they only eat when they insert the name of Harry or Meghan into their fake headlines, as they continue to scrape the barrel of UK Royal activity in their effort to make fetch happen.  At least one RR was based in Montecito over the festive period,...
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