Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

Episode 134 Still Slow Dancing in a Burning Room Introduction The Title of this podcast is taken from a song written and performed by one of my favourite musicians and writers, and that is “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” by John Mayer. I did a podcast in 2021 using the title of this track, and as I am revisiting the ongoing lack of foresight that exists in the UK figurehead family, it seemed appropriate to add the word “still” to the Title of this episode. The overall theme of “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” revolves around the complexities and struggles of a relationship that is on the brink of collapse. The burning room, a symbol of their relationship, communicates the chaos and destruction of their current state. The slow dancing, a symbol of both their complacency and their initial love, communicates their lack of success in finding a solution for their problems. Though their love is passionate, as evidenced by the tone of Mayer’s doomed lover, it’s riddled with practical problems that can only result in the collapse of their...
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UK ROYAL FAMILY AND MEDIA PSYCHOSIS ON GLOBAL DISPLAY   SGUK Episode 132   Introduction Once again the UK Royal Family and its televised and printed media are devoting 87% (my opinion) of their time thinking of ways to control two people who left their roles as Senior Working Royals, and moved to another continent, to start earning income for themselves. The couple are not tax payer funded.  The target of their incensed behaviour is the female of the duo (as is always the way in the misogynistic management style of the UK Monarchy) and this has been going on since the moment that the family and its friends in the media were informed that Meghan Markle a USA citizen,  an actress and philanthropist was in a relationship with Prince Harry, the youngest son of Princess Diana and the current King Charles III.  This information was placed into the main domain in June 2016 and for the first two years, the racist undertones were building...
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When A Narcissist Demands You Return to Their Chess Board

When A Narcissist Demands You Return to Their Chess Board

When A Narcissist Demands You Return to Your Place on Their Chess Board   SGUK Episode 126 Introduction Extract:- In This podcast we will look at What is narcissism? Symptoms of a narcissist’s manipulation What happens when a narcissist loses control over you? Where does a narcissist’s need for control come from? Common narcissist behaviors when their needs aren’t met What is narcissism?  While the word narcissism and the phrase narcissist control have almost become mainstream, there is a huge debate. As this review of the controversies in narcissism explains, there are various models and theories that attempt to define narcissism. The key point to note is that there’s a range of symptoms, from healthy narcissism to pathological narcissistic personality disorder. While the media quickly calls these people vain and self-centered, they are usually deeply insecure. This insecurity makes them feel so vulnerable that they need constant validation. Without this validation, they may quickly become narcissistic control freaks in a misguided attempt to protect their fragile self-esteem. So, how does a narcissist react when they can’t control you? They’ll do...
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Cult or Monarchy Family?

Cult or Monarchy Family?

Monarchy or Cult - Mind Control   Episode 122   Introduction The podcast this week looks at the constituent parts that make up any Monarchy, but in this case we are looking at the UK Monarchy, as an institution referred to as The Firm, and as a family.  We will look at the rules and regulations formally recorded and referred to from time to time, in order to make clear the boundaries set around what the Monarchy exists for, and how to go about its business.  In recent years, when individual members have dared to express independent thought about how something could be handled, or ways in which visits to other nations are to be conducted and why, or even in terms when some individuals have thoughts on relationships/business arrangements with people or person, internal or external to the UK there are barriers or open doors offered, dependent upon who wants to go through. It seems in summary, The Firm has a whole host of...
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Psychology Behind Brainwashing

Psychology Behind Brainwashing

The Psychology Behind Brainwashing Episode 121 Introduction This weeks podcast is one of a 3 part series.  Each episode can be stand alone, but as you will see with each one, there are linkages with the other two.  This episode tries to break down the different areas of brainwashing and the ideology and intention behind each category. I will quote from some of the reference sources listed, but there are many more that there was no possibility of including it in one podcast, but they are listed for your reference. I try to break down the main areas where the psychologist professionals operate and how the practice can manifest into our societies, and certainly with the growth of social media, not always used in a good way. Next weeks podcast focusses on the mind control aspects and how it has been used in the past and in the present day. We will explore experiences from decades ago, and modern day practices that many people are...
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Online Hate for Hire – Herd Mentality – (Free and Paid)

Online Hate for Hire – Herd Mentality – (Free and Paid)

SGUK Podcast 117 – 04/02/24 Introduction This podcast & accompanying article, will examine the definitions of hatred and how it manifests in group situations.  I wont be going into too much detail as we covered this in depth in Episode 4 in June 2021 and as usual in SGUK podcasts there is an accompanying article with each podcast.  I will post the link to the article and the original video podcast in the list of reference sources at the end of this document. I explore herd mentality and whether or not we are programmed to behave this way. I discuss why people hate and what happens in our brains when we do. The differences and connections between love and hate.  I have done a small amount of research on crowd psychology, whether it be physically together, or via online platforms, and why and how people ‘fall or move’ into group decisions on what and how they post etc. I have previously explored the...
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Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye

Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye

Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye Episode: 96      Introduction This podcast and the SGUK Channel moving forward, relates to Harry & Meghan  focusing on their life and Foundation, as opposed to flying back and forth to the UK to be disrespected each time. Harry stated that they are moving forward not looking back. I publicised a few weeks ago that this channel will be doing the same. I am not going to devote large scale sections of my podcast making reference to the BRF in articles or podcasts. That only serves to keep them relevant. I don’t react to the regular nonsense publicised deliberately to get a reaction. They have followers to do that – I do not see our role to do the same. If their followers don’t do that then that is a BRF family problem not ours. H&M have no reason to play the game of ‘invite but no invite and then back to invite’ etc. That is...
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Justice Will Be Served – Call to Action – Episode 88

Justice Will Be Served – Call to Action – Episode 88

Justice Will be Served – We Have Lift Off   This is a heartfelt request for international legal experts/advocates to liaise with each other, and to recognise that the environment around human rights is changing all the time, and the knock on effect of various forms of abuse is often hidden. Most people cannot and do not have the resources to challenge their abusers and even where people are deemed to be affluent, abuse continues and people turn away thinking that the victim is not deserving of sympathy, not least because it is considered that they have the means to escape. What has been happening to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex since 2016 is both worrying and very sad. We almost lost Meghan in 2018 and her unborn child and the risks to Meghan and Harry has reduced a little since they moved to Los Angeles but they are fighting against major forces. It very disturbing that abusive activity is still being done to this family even though they have...
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Separation – Cycle of Abuse

Separation – Cycle of Abuse

Separation Cycle of Abuse   Introduction This week’s podcast and accompanying article is entitled The Separation Cycle of Abuse. The original aim of this podcast was to explore a variety of research papers on patterns and trends of abuse which continues when an abused person manages to escape from their abuser.  Abuser being an ex partner, or an abusive family who continue to try and exert control over the life of the relative who has escaped.  This is all now grouped under legislation relating to Coercive Control.  We have covered this topic a few times in the life of this channel, and in particular have highlighted the work, and quotes from the work of Dr Evan Stark and Dr Laura Richards. I will list their summary bio later in this podcast/article. Coercive Control appears several times on this channel, as many of you know, in previous podcasts and articles. I decided to add this new section to the audio (the article will be amended shortly)...
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Come in No 7 – Your Time is Up

Come in No 7 – Your Time is Up

Come in No 7 – Your Time is Up   Introduction For reference, the title of this podcast is related to the overall theme of this and the following two podcasts, and is based on a British television series from the late 1960s/1970s called The Prisoner.  It centred on an unnamed British intelligence agent who is abducted and imprisoned in a mysterious coastal village, where his captors designated him as Number 6, and try to find out why he abruptly resigned from his job. Episode plots have elements of science fiction, allegory ( which means it is literary device or artistic form – a narrative or visual representation in which a character, place, or event can be interpreted to represent a hidden meaning with moral or political significance. Authors have used this approach to illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers or listeners) and psychological drama, as well as spy fiction. The...
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SGUK Episode 79 – Book Review Part 3 of SPARE

SGUK Episode 79 – Book Review Part 3 of SPARE

SGUK Episode 79 – Book Review Part 3 of SPARE   Introduction Reading through each section of the book, confirmed for me and I believe supporters of Prince Harry, that being in the military saved Harry from all the toxic clouds that descended on him throughout childhood, and particularly his experiences post 1997.  I mean by that Harry had to deal with various labels from birth, all relating to him not being or even allowed to be brighter or more popular than those higher in the line of succession.  A child told from an early age that they are less than, and that they must forever dim their light, to ensure that others look brighter.  That is abuse right there, from the get go.  The situation of a child having to navigate through various psychological push backs were made far worse by the dysfunctional setting he was in with most if not all of his relatives being dysfunctional themselves, and an institution behaving...
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Royal Psychological Warfare Across Borders

Royal Psychological Warfare Across Borders

Royal Psychological Warfare Across Borders   Introduction:- The Meaning of Psychological Warfare. This weeks podcast explores the ramifications of psychological warfare and its application in the modern era, to be delivered across borders.  I have a particular interest in psychology, and I am a Chartered professional in various forms of human behaviour and the rationale behind it some of the manifestation.  The title for this podcast comes from a very interesting book by Neil Morton, called Psychological Warfare.  It covers a topic I am deeply interested in and it forms a very useful backdrop to its application in terms of the various forms of delivery used by the British Royal Family and its partners in the media – both printed and televised, and in all the societal groups I have mentioned many times before, who all support each other, in order to ensure that they all continue to benefit from a pattern of life that has existed for centuries. In this podcast, I will...
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Karens and Kevins

Karens and Kevins

Karens and Kevins   Introduction It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend most of their days deliberately filling their minds with activity relating to someone that they claim not to like very much.  Most of their waking hours are spent sitting at a keyboard, or looking into a monitor talking about the target of their ire.  The time spent on social media platforms is monitored and recorded, and most people would be shocked to see how many hours a day some people spend creating multiple accounts, and post from all of them frequently. An unhealthy amount of hours, night and day with a few.  These extreme cases live and breath their target.  I would guess that most of these people who spend so many hours a day doing this obsessive type of activity, live alone.  If they have anyone living in the same household s them, they do not speak to each other very often.  They appear not to have...
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Not Even The King

Not Even The King

NOT EVEN THE KING   Introduction This week’s podcast explores sibling relationships within a family business, and whether or not there is a difference in a family setting.  I have looked at a number of reference sources relating to the fall out when a sibling leaves the family business, and in doing so, explored and will make a number of personal observations, as to how the UK Royal Family responded to one person leaving the family not least because they did not regard or treat Meghan as a member of the family or as an employee, and if the truth be known, they used and continue to regard Meghan like bait that hunters and their dogs go after for sport.  No regard to the suffering, it is all a game in Royal circles.  Hunter and Prey mentality.  Seek and destroy the runaway slaves.  The fact that a blue blood prince chose his wife and family over his family, meant that he was regarded...
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Coercive Control Across Borders – Call to Action

Coercive Control Across Borders – Call to Action

                             Continual Coercive Control Activities Across Borders                     By UK Cartel since Nov 2019     Context The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped back from senior Royal duties at the end of March 2020.  Prince Harry announced their decision to step back in order to protect their mental health, due to the continued activity of UK media, on the 8th January 2020 after returning to the UK from a six week break in Canada to assess and finalise their situation.  During that time, their location in Canada was leaked to the Press by the Royal Family and their security was removed.  A tabloid employee also contacted the Sussexes and informed them that he was aware that they were contemplating on leaving their roles, and he wanted a story.  That same individual gave the Sussexes 10 days in which to respond, otherwise the tabloid concerned would print the story anyway.  This is...
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