Ep 141 SGUK
Fri 22/11/2024 16:49
This weeks podcast and article is centred on "BRF: Stability or Spectacle" as an approach to examining the role and perception of monarchies in general and how the BRF compare to the few Monarchies left. I have explored these topics, along with examples of how they apply to various global monarchies in terms of stability and spectacle.
Introduction: Framework for "Stability or Spectacle
- I am initially going to introduce the concept of monarchy and its traditional role in society.
- Define the dichotomy of "Stability vs. Spectacle" and its relevance to modern monarchies, particularly the British Royal Family (BRF).
Stability: What is Meant by a Monarchy being best known for its Stability for the Nation? Is this in fact true, and if so how, and if not, why not?
- How can monarchies symbolize continuity and national identity?.
- How is the potential for stability through non-political leadership and tradition.
- How can monarchies serve as a unifying force during national crises.
Media, Monarchy and Money
Episode 140
This podcast will take a closer look (well as much as one can in a podcast without the gates of media hellscape opening wide and letting the clowns run free for a while) at the symbiotic relationships at play here, between media, the Monarchy and the Establishment. The following bullet points generally cover the discussion in this podcast. The list is as follows:-
Deep dive into certain areas:-
Explore how the media has historically shaped public perceptions of monarchy, from royal scandals to carefully crafted public images.
Highlight key moments where media coverage either bolstered or undermined the monarchy.
Analyse the quid-pro-quo relationship: exclusive access to royal stories in exchange for positive portrayals.
Investigate how tabloids sensationalize monarchy-related content to boost sales.
Discuss how media conglomerates balance profit motives with potential pushback from royal PR teams.
Outline the monarchy’s financial sources (e.g., Sovereign Grant, private estates, and tax exemptions).
Investigate allegations of misuse of funds or...
UK Monarchy Crumbling
The British monarchy, a symbol of tradition, power and national identity for centuries. Its presence is deeply woven into the fabric of British society, its image emblazoned upon everything from currency to postage stamps. Beneath the veneer of opulence and ceremony, a question lingers. Is this venerable institution, once deemed unshakable, now teetering on the precipice of irrelevant? Is the UK monarchy in the face of changing social values and mounting public scrutiny slowly? Before our very eyes. This very question has become a subject of intense debate, dividing public opinion and igniting passionate discourse across the United Kingdom. While ardent monarchists cling to the notion of the crown as the vital thread in the nation's tapestry, a growing chorus of voices, particularly. Amongst younger generations view the institution. As an anachronism, a relic of a bygone era, this podcast delves into the heart of this debate. Embarking on a deep dive into the factors that have led...
UK News Media Has Gone Too Far Now
But They Will ‘Find Out’
SGUK Ep 137
Hello, Ivy here.
This month’s podcast continues to explore the tactics used by the UK Monarchy family and associate groups to continue focussing on the activities of non tax payer funded Royal Family Members who were forced out of the UK to protect their mental health and to reduce the risk to their lives. Whilst at the same time, the tax funded Monarchy family continue to allocate more resources and time on vanity projects which constantly aim to destroy the reputation of the people who dared to leave, or to play dress up and live under the false belief that they are anointed and the Monarchy will be there for ever. The situation is now such that the Monarchy in its current state is there to spend money on giving the impression that UK Monarchy looks good to the world at large, and if it involves an extraordinary...
Episode 136
SGUK Podcast 150924
Post Separation Coercive Control
By Family and Groups
Hello, Ivy here. This month’s podcast continues to explore the tactics used by the UK Monarchy family and associate groups to continue focussing on the activities of non tax payer funded Royal Family Members who were forced out of the UK to protect their mental health and to reduce the risk to life. Whilst at the same time, the tax funded Monarchy family continue to place more resources and time on vanity projects which constantly aim to destroy the reputation of the people who dared to leave, or to play dress up and live under the false belief that they are anointed and the Monarchy will be there for ever. The situation is now such that the Monarchy in its current state is there to spend money on making them look good to the world at large, and if it involves an extraordinary amount of expenditure to dress up in costumes...
Episode 133
This week’s podcast is a little different to my usual content, but stay with me, and all will become clear. As most of you know, I have zero interest in the day to day fake news and battles between people who I have less than zero interest in what they do day to day. Drama is created to keep in the tabloid headlines, along with all the other fake emotional fall out between people that most of the population of the UK do not give a moment thought to in any week, let alone on a daily basis. Most of the population can name between 1 to possibly 3 people in the Royal Family on a good day, but beyond that most do not know or care who they are.
The creation of the Royal Rota, despite the official rationale given for...
SGUK Episode 132
Once again the UK Royal Family and its televised and printed media are devoting 87% (my opinion) of their time thinking of ways to control two people who left their roles as Senior Working Royals, and moved to another continent, to start earning income for themselves. The couple are not tax payer funded. The target of their incensed behaviour is the female of the duo (as is always the way in the misogynistic management style of the UK Monarchy) and this has been going on since the moment that the family and its friends in the media were informed that Meghan Markle a USA citizen, an actress and philanthropist was in a relationship with Prince Harry, the youngest son of Princess Diana and the current King Charles III. This information was placed into the main domain in June 2016 and for the first two years, the racist undertones were building...
Episode 131
There Can Be No Peace With Someone Who Wants to Destroy You
Remedy? Cut the Emotional Attachment
Victims may respond to abuse in several ways including consuming drugs or alcohol, and/or by showing signs of humiliation, detachment, anger, and retaliation. Victims may also interpret abuse very differently including expressing feelings of guilt; this might depend on their social or cultural context. Victims can be resilient in some respects: it is important not to compare them to other victims but to consider how their day-to-day life has been affected. Refer to the Domestic Abuse prosecution guidance for further advice on self-defence and issues relevant to particular groups.
Stalking or Harassment
In cases of stalking or harassment, the support and safety needs of victims should be identified from the outset, and continually considered throughout the life of a case, by the police in dialogue with the prosecutor. Where available, this should also be informed by any specialist support the victim is receiving, for example, through an Independent...
SGUK Ep 130
Harry and Meghan Divorced You All in March 2020
The podcast last week used the Kubler Ross model of the 7 Stages of Grief, to summarise the changing emotions and actions of the UK Establishment about Harry formally announcing on 8th January 2020 that he and Meghan were going to Step Back from their Senior Working Royal roles and leave the UK, with the aim to starting a new life independent from the UK taxpayers. The previous 4 years had taken a terrible toll on the mental health of the Sussexes and the only way they feel can focus on healing and starting a new life and find ways to generate income, is to go it alone and seek out opportunities. The risks to their lives has been increasing since 2016, and it has reached a point where for the sake of their mental health, it was necessary to step back from Royal working life and the sense of...
When A Narcissist Demands You Return to Your Place
on Their Chess Board
SGUK Episode 126
Extract:- In This podcast we will look at
What is narcissism?
Symptoms of a narcissist’s manipulation
What happens when a narcissist loses control over you?
Where does a narcissist’s need for control come from?
Common narcissist behaviors when their needs aren’t met
What is narcissism?
While the word narcissism and the phrase narcissist control have almost become mainstream, there is a huge debate.
As this review of the controversies in narcissism explains, there are various models and theories that attempt to define narcissism.
The key point to note is that there’s a range of symptoms, from healthy narcissism to pathological narcissistic personality disorder. While the media quickly calls these people vain and self-centered, they are usually deeply insecure. This insecurity makes them feel so vulnerable that they need constant validation.
Without this validation, they may quickly become narcissistic control freaks in a misguided attempt to protect their fragile self-esteem. So, how does a narcissist react when they can’t control you? They’ll do...
Never Trust a UK Headline or Article Rhetoric
Episode 125
I started to lose faith in news media in my teen years, particularly printed media. I had a growing aversion to UK tabloids. My father was an avid reader of tabloids, one in particular, and I can remember at the age of 16 that I literally gained nothing special from the newspaper that my father so avidly gorged on each day. He poured for way too many minutes on each article, and viewed all of its contents as the gospel delivered to him by a deity. I did not have the answers, but I just knew that that particular newspaper, did nothing for me. It gave me no new information, and it gave me no information based on what I was seeing in the News shown each evening and night, compared to what was happening in parts of the country. My father watched the news avidly, and was consumed by its contents. ...
The Slow Decline of Royal Families
SGUK Episode: 124
The tradition of a royal person ruling a society can be traced at least as far back as the earliest state formations in the Middle East. During the 4th millennium BCE, the rulers of the Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer declared themselves kings and arranged for their sons to inherit their positions. Throughout the millennia that followed, monarchies reigned supreme as the preferred system of government, the Greek city states (except for Sparta), the Roman Republic, and the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell being a few notable exceptions to confirm the rule.
Monarchies as a system of government began to fall out of favor in Europe during the 18th century when the movement known as the Enlightenment put the age-old connection between religion, politics, and social hierarchies under scrutiny. Out of these debates grew the oldest and still-existing political ideology of liberalism.
Because at the back of the mind of each king and queen, regardless of their...
When Sibling Jealousy Becomes a Cause for Concern
SGUK Episode 123
“A recent study in the Journal of Family Psychology found that strained family relationships rooted in jealousy can cause health issues and chronic illness to worsen. One way of thinking about jealousy or envy between siblings is that we think we are competing for limited resources or status.”
We can all think of people we know, in or outside of our family or friend circle that this podcast is applicable to. In our case I would ask that you think of examples of families who are in business together and how any such tension existing in that kind of framework does impact on the business – not to mention the severe impact on the health and well being of the individuals who feel that they are competing for resources or status. Taking examples to another level, I ask you to think of hereditary Monarchies and in particular the UK Monarchy.
The structure of...
Monarchy or Cult - Mind Control
Episode 122
The podcast this week looks at the constituent parts that make up any Monarchy, but in this case we are looking at the UK Monarchy, as an institution referred to as The Firm, and as a family. We will look at the rules and regulations formally recorded and referred to from time to time, in order to make clear the boundaries set around what the Monarchy exists for, and how to go about its business. In recent years, when individual members have dared to express independent thought about how something could be handled, or ways in which visits to other nations are to be conducted and why, or even in terms when some individuals have thoughts on relationships/business arrangements with people or person, internal or external to the UK there are barriers or open doors offered, dependent upon who wants to go through. It seems in summary, The Firm has a whole host of...
The Psychology Behind Brainwashing
Episode 121
This weeks podcast is one of a 3 part series. Each episode can be stand alone, but as you will see with each one, there are linkages with the other two. This episode tries to break down the different areas of brainwashing and the ideology and intention behind each category. I will quote from some of the reference sources listed, but there are many more that there was no possibility of including it in one podcast, but they are listed for your reference.
I try to break down the main areas where the psychologist professionals operate and how the practice can manifest into our societies, and certainly with the growth of social media, not always used in a good way.
Next weeks podcast focusses on the mind control aspects and how it has been used in the past and in the present day. We will explore experiences from decades ago, and modern day practices that many people are...
The Royal Hunger Games 2024
SGUK Episode 119
In this podcast we revisit and update the Royal Hunger Games that we first took a brief look at the games tournament in 2021, which was developing into a regular practice of behaviour, and has now become accepted protocol. All the factions still take part, representing their particular House of Windsor, but with each passing year, the sequels have taken on a formulaic approach to conducting business and it appears that the franchise may be drawing to a close. The reason for this is that there are really only two main teams, with a variety of stakeholder teams still present, but by way of trying to ensure that each small group survives, they are opting to give support to one of the two larger teams left standing.
One small new team emerged throughout the 3 sequels of the Games, and have been innovative in the way that they plan to grow and build strength and...
British Royal Family - Value for Money? I Think Not
SGUK Ep 118
Hello everyone. Welcome. I just wanted to say here that this podcast and article was written and uploaded ready to be published next Sunday, however, because of recent developments I felt that I needed to make a few amendments here and there, and add an extra section in this Introduction and also in my closing remarks at the end of the podcast, due to the news release regarding the health of King Charles, and Kate the Princess of Wales and as if to add to this unfolding tale of health woes, William the Prince of Wales appears to have questionable health too. With that in mind, I wanted to change my wording here and there, but my concerns about behaviours and topics remain unchanged. I wanted to lighten my descriptions of certain things out of respect for all those concerned and family members who may be worried in their...
SGUK Podcast 117 – 04/02/24
This podcast & accompanying article, will examine the definitions of hatred and how it manifests in group situations. I wont be going into too much detail as we covered this in depth in Episode 4 in June 2021 and as usual in SGUK podcasts there is an accompanying article with each podcast. I will post the link to the article and the original video podcast in the list of reference sources at the end of this document.
I explore herd mentality and whether or not we are programmed to behave this way. I discuss why people hate and what happens in our brains when we do. The differences and connections between love and hate. I have done a small amount of research on crowd psychology, whether it be physically together, or via online platforms, and why and how people ‘fall or move’ into group decisions on what and how they post etc. I have previously explored the...
SGUK Never Underestimate the Power of the Mind
Episode 95
This weeks podcast takes an overview of how UK Media have viewed and described Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex since childhood, covering his childhood years and ongoing trauma since the loss of his mother, though his Eton years, through his military years and the unwanted media attention which he had to endure at various periods including in the middle of live on the ground war zone activity, all to then go on to publish cynical articles, about their experiences. Harry’s location was twice given away to the media during his ten years in the miliary and both times he had to be called back to civilian Royal life. Deliberate actions on behalf of the BRF I am sure. UK Media needed him back. They needed their prey back.
When it came to meeting a USA actress, who was a high achiever and high scoring academic, a multi lingual activist and a strong...
UK Media – Let’s Talk About Ethics
SGUK Episode 93
This week’s podcast looks at whether or not such a thing as Ethics exist in UK journalism and the media industry in general in the UK. The kind of things and style of reporting I have seen in my lifetime, but particularly in the last 30 years would suggest that if there were any kind of standard that media personnel and their regulatory bodies have written down somewhere, it clearly is not at the forefront of their mind when actually carrying duties in their employment.
If you do an actual search using the word Ethics, in any aspect of the UK Media, you may be surprised to discover, that it is like looking for the holy grail. It is more alluded to than be a prominent feature in the official documentation of this profession. Speaks volumes.
I give a few details about the Regulatory organisations, alongside rules and regulations for printed media as well...
The Chilling Encounter – We See You
SGUK Episode 92
The Chilling Encounter
Earlier this week Harry, Meghan and Doria were hounded by paparazzi in New York city for 2 hours. Paparazzi following the police escort cars that accompanied the Sussexes own security detail. Apparently the paparazzi surrounded the venue where Meghan and other women were attending a function in celebration of their advocacy work relating to various aspects of equality. Harry and Meghan’s mother attended the event in support of Meghan. Paparazzi waiting outside, did not know which entrance Meghan would be entering or exiting the building, so they apparently surrounded the complex. As things turned out, they were unable to get a quality shot of any photos because Meghan and Harry and Doria were surrounded by security who deliberately ‘enveloped’ the Sussex crew, ensuring that quality photos could not be taken. There were a number of media people outside various doors, who did manage to take a few photos, but on...
Harry and Meghan – Challenges and Achievements Since Independence
SGUK Episode 91
This channel is going to focus on the work of Harry and Meghan, and in the coming weeks, most podcasts won’t have any more than a footnote in terms of mention of the British Royal Family – if any at all.
They are mentioned here and there in this podcast, because this is the first step on this element of the Sussex trajectory and the content of this podcast moving forward. It is not for this channel to give the BRF relevance in Sussex activity. There is a whole team of Royal Rota journalists that are more than the double the size of the Working Royals, who are employed to show that the BRF is relevant in todays society, whether that is the case or not. That is their role, not mine.
What are the key areas for my podcast channel going forward? The Sussexes have been very successful, despite family interference...
Hate for Hire - UK Journalists Legacy
This extract from an article in the Independent published in November 2015, still applies today. Events since that article has provided more than enough evidence which clearly states there is a growing problem, relating to the various ways now that hate rhetoric is spread around the globe, and the targets of that rhetoric are suffering and some have lost their lives. It links to aspects of Human Rights Legislation, and the framework around the Human Rights Act, needs to reflect the modern developments in terms of how to recognise and deal with perpetrators.
The role of the media in the rise of hate crime in the UK is unequivocal. For too long now the right-wing tabloid press in the UK has vilified minorities and vulnerable groups. This vilification is by no means a new phenomenon and has long existed in British Media.
Sajda Mughal OBE
7/7 Survivor, Multi award winning community activist and counter extremism expert.
24/10/2017 12:29pm BST
Justice Will be Served – We Have Lift Off
This is a heartfelt request for international legal experts/advocates to liaise with each other, and
to recognise that the environment around human rights is changing all the time, and the knock
on effect of various forms of abuse is often hidden. Most people cannot and do not have the
resources to challenge their abusers and even where people are deemed to be affluent, abuse
continues and people turn away thinking that the victim is not deserving of sympathy, not least
because it is considered that they have the means to escape. What has been happening to The
Duke and Duchess of Sussex since 2016 is both worrying and very sad. We almost lost Meghan
in 2018 and her unborn child and the risks to Meghan and Harry has reduced a little since they
moved to Los Angeles but they are fighting against major forces. It very disturbing that abusive activity is
still being done to this family even though they have...
Separation Cycle of Abuse
This week’s podcast and accompanying article is entitled The Separation Cycle of Abuse.
The original aim of this podcast was to explore a variety of research papers on patterns and trends of abuse which continues when an abused person manages to escape from their abuser. Abuser being an ex partner, or an abusive family who continue to try and exert control over the life of the relative who has escaped. This is all now grouped under legislation relating to Coercive Control. We have covered this topic a few times in the life of this channel, and in particular have highlighted the work, and quotes from the work of Dr Evan Stark and Dr Laura Richards. I will list their summary bio later in this podcast/article. Coercive Control appears several times on this channel, as many of you know, in previous podcasts and articles.
I decided to add this new section to the audio (the article will be amended shortly)...
Brand UK – Dysfunctionality
Government & Monarchy
Episode 85
The UK appears to be caught up in a type of whirlwind. A whirlwind manufactured and developed within the UK, to a point many if not most of us wake up each (assuming we managed to get a good sleep in the first place) wondering what meteor is going to strike us today, and what contingency plans can we start to think about now, that may come in handy during the day if another metaphorical meteor strikes today. That is how many of us are living. The mental health issues stacking up in this country is going to take many decades of professional interventions to even scrape the surface of the issues in play, and even more books written on the lessons learned each time we go up a gear in mental and physical suffering.
Each of the top societal groups are the cause of these whirlwinds, and their attempt at hiding their mistakes and...
The Tale of Two Dukes of Sussex
This podcast will explore the dichotomy of the treatment of both Dukes of Sussex, by their respective fathers/Kings - in comparison to the treatment of other prominent Royals seen as exemplary. In all comparisons, the outcomes for both Dukes have been better than ever imagined, and in the case of the 2nd Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry is by far the most successful in terms of wealth and popularity and most of all, independence. The punitive actions taken against both Dukes, never achieved what both Kings expected. In today's age of social media with the vehicle of the internet, each punitive action is publicised around the globe in seconds and is seen by most for what each action is meant to cause. It hasn't worked. The reverberations from the games played already continues to wreak havoc on the ones dishing out the punishments. Weakening the very institution it originally intended to strengthen and prolong...
Come In Royal Rota – Your Time is Up
SGUK Episode 81
In order to give context as to how and why some people in powerful positions thought it would be a good idea to have a large group of people who solely reported on the UK Royal Family and no one else, this podcast explore the main reasons why the UK and USA have tabloids but how and why the UK decided to go to extremes in order to get a story and sometimes according to one professional, be prepared to “violate laws”. All of these people, officially referred to as journalists, work for a tabloid newspaper, and between the group chosen by Editors of said tabloids, but the British Royal Family having the final say so, as to whether or not they are considered the type of people who will fit in with the Royal Family, gives you some idea of the type of coverage required/preferred by the Monarch...
Come in No 7 – Your Time is Up
For reference, the title of this podcast is related to the overall theme of this and the following two podcasts, and is based on a British television series from the late 1960s/1970s called The Prisoner. It centred on an unnamed British intelligence agent who is abducted and imprisoned in a mysterious coastal village, where his captors designated him as Number 6, and try to find out why he abruptly resigned from his job. Episode plots have elements of science fiction, allegory ( which means it is literary device or artistic form – a narrative or visual representation in which a character, place, or event can be interpreted to represent a hidden meaning with moral or political significance. Authors have used this approach to illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its viewers, readers or listeners) and psychological drama, as well as spy fiction. The...
SGUK Episode 79 – Book Review Part 3 of SPARE
Reading through each section of the book, confirmed for me and I believe supporters of Prince Harry, that being in the military saved Harry from all the toxic clouds that descended on him throughout childhood, and particularly his experiences post 1997. I mean by that Harry had to deal with various labels from birth, all relating to him not being or even allowed to be brighter or more popular than those higher in the line of succession. A child told from an early age that they are less than, and that they must forever dim their light, to ensure that others look brighter. That is abuse right there, from the get go. The situation of a child having to navigate through various psychological push backs were made far worse by the dysfunctional setting he was in with most if not all of his relatives being dysfunctional themselves, and an institution behaving...
SGUK Ep 78 – Part 2 of 3 Book Review of Spare
Following on from last week’s podcast, this weeks publication focuses on life in the military for Harry, and the way that military life was a preferred place to be for Harry compared to life in the UK as a member of the Royal Family. He is on record stating this fact many times over the years, but it a key piece of information that the British Royal Family and its media along with key senior staff within the Firm all chose to ignore. There are golden threads running from Part One of this podcast series, which link directly to many, if not all of the threads in this section with serious implications for the role of Monarchy in the UK and most definitely formed very strong threads feeding into Section Three.
I will state here and now, and emphasise it in Part Three, that the decisions made which led to...
SGUK Episode 77: Part One – Spare
First of all, in order to get the podcast underway, I want to stress the point here, that this is not your usual style of book review. This podcast and article is written from a readers perspective – not a professional reader, but a reader who is vested in the subject matter. I made notes of points that jumped out of the pages for me, and as a standalone set of information, there was much that could have been written about the story that was untold, running in the background of the main points listed in the book itself.
Whilst I have included a few quotations from all 3 Divisions of the book, I have devoted the 2nd part of this podcast to Section 2 – Bloody But Unbowed, which will air next Sunday on 22nd January 2023.
The same approach and methodology will be used, but found from my Notes that this area of the...
Royal Psychological Warfare Across Borders
Introduction:- The Meaning of Psychological Warfare.
This weeks podcast explores the ramifications of psychological warfare and its application in the modern era, to be delivered across borders. I have a particular interest in psychology, and I am a Chartered professional in various forms of human behaviour and the rationale behind it some of the manifestation. The title for this podcast comes from a very interesting book by Neil Morton, called Psychological Warfare. It covers a topic I am deeply interested in and it forms a very useful backdrop to its application in terms of the various forms of delivery used by the British Royal Family and its partners in the media – both printed and televised, and in all the societal groups I have mentioned many times before, who all support each other, in order to ensure that they all continue to benefit from a pattern of life that has existed for centuries.
In this podcast, I will...
Karens and Kevins
It never ceases to amaze me how many people spend most of their days deliberately filling their minds with activity relating to someone that they claim not to like very much. Most of their waking hours are spent sitting at a keyboard, or looking into a monitor talking about the target of their ire. The time spent on social media platforms is monitored and recorded, and most people would be shocked to see how many hours a day some people spend creating multiple accounts, and post from all of them frequently. An unhealthy amount of hours, night and day with a few. These extreme cases live and breath their target. I would guess that most of these people who spend so many hours a day doing this obsessive type of activity, live alone. If they have anyone living in the same household s them, they do not speak to each other very often. They appear not to have...
House of Cards
SGUK Episode 72
The 7 pillars are weak. None of them are strong in their own right, and combined they form a weak foundation to build on.
The next layer of the construction is inherently weak, not least because no preparation was ever made for the kind of metaphorical bricks that could be utilised in a way that added value potentially and at the very least, maintained solidity in the structure.
The approach appears to be picking random bricks that appear available for hire on the ‘help yourself’ skip on Crown land.
Only certain shades of bricks are acceptable.
The strength of each brick appears not to matter, as long as one is not stronger and longer lasting than the others, as this creates inherent weaknesses to be exposed in all the others.
The methodology and approach seems to be, gather the right numbers of bricks from within Crown property services, and ensure that they fit the colour...
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Ep 71
Which successful business out there, even the small family businesses out there, wait for their CEO to die before they allow the next one chosen to be CEO is allowed to step into the role? Alternatively the companies start to look for a new CEO, and have them waiting in the wings for a few months to acclimatise and then step into the role knowing what they need to. It is almost certain the outgoing family member, will not be frail and in their 90s.
Hereditary Monarchies come with inherent risks, along with a myriad of additional concerning factors. A separate podcast would be required to explore those. I also focus all of my podcasts on the activities of Harry and Meghan, and/or the actions of The British Royal Family, and the impact upon Harry and Meghan, or worse, when detritus hits the fan of the BRF, their ‘strive to be average to poor’...
Cocoon – The Return to Windsor
Episode 70
Wikipedia Extract
"About 10,000 years ago, peaceful aliens from the planet Antarea set up an outpost on Earth on Atlantis. When Atlantis sank, twenty aliens were left behind, kept alive in large rock-like cocoons at the bottom of the ocean. Now, a group of Antareans have returned to collect them.
Disguising themselves as humans, they rent a house with a swimming pool and charge the water with "life force" to give the cocooned Antareans energy to survive the trip home. They charter a boat from a local captain named Jack, who helps them retrieve the cocoons. After the aliens reveal themselves to him and explain what's going on, he decides to help them.
Next door to the house the Antareans are renting is a retirement home. Three of its residents, Ben, Arthur, and Joe, often trespass to swim in the pool next door. They absorb some of the recently charge life force, making them feel younger and stronger....
The Magnificent 7 Coming to a Town Near You
This podcast centres on the new King of the UK and the changes which are imminent with someone new at the helm and who has waited for most of his life to take on this role. Ie most of his 70+ years.
In usual UK Monarchy style, things come into the public domain by rumour and innuendo and shade, and always by an unknown source. To help disseminate the desired message of theme from a message, the BRF use it media arm the Royal Rota, which officially are representatives from a number of popular press here in the UK, but in reality are a group of tabloid newspapers, which the UK popularises as reputable sources for news, and all those in the Royal Rota have an unwritten agreement to popularise the BRF by hunting down anyone who is seen not to show deference to the family, rather than news media hold the UK...
The Fish Rots from its Head
Episode 68
There is an old saying that a fish rots from the head down. It is phrase that is known in China and in Europe from the period of the Middle Ages. It is certainly a phrase that I heard my parents say throughout my childhood, usually referring to people at the top of organisations. If you look up this phrase, there are a variety of explanations given as to the exact meaning, but all of them are consistent with the notion that the top determines the content. Ie if the leader of the organisation is poor and ineffective, then it follows the organisation culture and style will replicate that same approach and tone.
In one of the reference sources listed below, it refers to a number of corporate scandals which in their own way reflected the fish rotting from the head scenario. One company it mentioned was Enron, where the Chairman appeared unwilling or unable...
One Group Always Plays Draughts & The Other Plays An Adept Game of Chess
Episode 67
From the moment that Harry announced that his new girlfriend was Meghan, a successful USA Actress in a hugely successful tv network franchise, entitled Suits. A very popular network staple and which had been running for 7 years at that point. Once the shock of that announcement had sunk in with UK media, and the obvious annoyance that the Royal Rota were totally unaware that the couple had been seeing one another seriously for 6 months, and that they had also been away to Botswana for a secret romantic break, unknown to the family or the press. At some point upon their return, Harry clearly informed some members of his family, and knowing what we know now, it was not long before the Rota pack were informed and the salacious and racist rhetoric began in the press in earnest. Camilla Tominey was proud to tell everyone...
Can Artificial Intelligence Ever Replace Royal Rota Journalism?
Ep 66
This weeks podcast, takes a brief look into the world of Artificial Intelligence, and its place in an employment setting. Does it take jobs away from people, or does it free people up to do other things? I suspect it is a bit of both. In the setting where the tasks undertaken are repetitive, and do not take much thinking time, in order to produce the final outcome, there could be an argument for AI to find a home.
Royal Reporting is carried out by all the tabloids in the UK, and they all pretty much produce articles on the same topics and people every day. The analyst in me wonders why so many people have a job where they only write about a handful of people, and in reality, the majority of the subjects for the article are no longer working Royals anyway, so do not come under the remit of the...
UK Media Obsession With One USA Citizen Not Residing in the UK
The way that certain media groups have made bullying and harassment, together with inciting hateful behaviour on and off line in society is alarming, and what is worse, is that the UK Royal Reporters are leading the pack, with Australia in 2nd place. The target for their ire is The Duchess of Sussex, and it has gone on for 6 years and counting. I have no idea about Australia, but the UK media (both televised and printed) has blood on their hands. People have died, or have been mentally abused by some of their activity, and many are still suffering from the trauma of the interaction with the actions of this group. People are seen as prey and it seems anything is fair game if the person is in the public eye, or has emerged into the public space as a result of a life changing incident. The UK...
Support and Uplift Charities v Swarm Charities With Toxicity in Their Comment Sections
SGUK Ep 63
This podcast looks at two distinct groups who support two of people, who are polar opposites in terms of a value base. One is focussed on undertaking projects with outcome focussed results, and including local people impacted by interventions in the planning of each project. The aim is to ensure that they are in a position to have input and to advise what has more chance of success due to environmental factors of various types, as opposed to creating additional damage to the infrastructure of an area or target audience for a future project. The other network relies on traditional support at any activity that they undertake. There is no measurement of output or any real auditing in terms of benefits achieved and VFM. Traditionally their support base has been there for decades and will continue to support the entity just for being there. It has...
Entry in Societal Groups Based on Race and Privilege?
Ep 62
“The social structure of Britain has been highly influenced by the concept of classes. The class system is prevalent in the society of the United Kingdom in the 21st century too. The different classes were formed depending on various factors such as education levels, income and the type of occupation.
As per the norms of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, there were basically two social classes. One was called as the House of Lords, comprising of the hereditary upper class and another one was the House of Commons, representing everyone else in the British social hierarchy.
We will first discuss the social system of former Britain and then the social system that is prevalent today in modern Britain.
The hierarchy that was prevalent at the time of formation of Great Britain is as follows:
Peer or Nobles
Royal: This class belonged to the royal family and was the highest rank....
UK Media Snakes & Ladders Journey Around the 7 Stages of Grief Model Since 2020
SGUK Ep 61
Following on from previous comments relating to where I considered the Royal Reporters to be on the Kubler Ross 7 Stages of Grief Model in 2020, it thought it worthwhile doing an update, due to all the craziness that has gone on under the guise of professional soundbites, but when in reality nothing could be described as professional behaviour in the UK media world.
I have drawn upon a number of reference sources for the opinions I state and as my way of podcasting, I back up my opinions based on research of such behaviours or outcomes previously in similar settings. I also will draw upon a small publication of my own published in 2019, and extrapolate out from the evidence and thoughts on the direction of travel that was being indicated at the time, and whether or not, any of those predictions became reality....
I Can't Believe What You Say, Because I See What You Do.
SGUK Podcast Episode 60
This podcast looks at the less than confident belief that the UK Monarchy and its partners have certain sectors of the population in their thoughts with their apparent views on those sectors. Partners in this case are, as I have stated many times in previous podcasts are as follows:- government, aristocracy, police, media – both printed and televised. As the title suggests, those perceptions are based on what each of those societal groups do, not what they say when elections are near, or any of their fellow groups mentioned are in the limelight for not so glowing reasons. As usual, each have the others backs because each of them on their own, are less powerful, than when they come together.
The extreme views held by many in these groups, and that is not assumption, there is hard evidence readily available. The protection of each other preserves and...
What is the Endgame of UK Media?
Episode 59
This week’s podcast examines the phenomenon of the growth of negative coverage of one person, which developed into an industry of hate, commencing with the odd person voicing concerns, and then groups, and 2 dysfunctional families to apparently a whole nation – all according to the UK printed and televised media industry. Most of the media industry personnel who have gone on to develop increased profile careers wallowing in this cesspool of hatred have never met the person who has become their target, and none of the groups which have emerged since 2016 when the target came to the attention of the UK population, particularly those who read tabloids, have met the target either. Apparently UK media speak for the whole country, as they like to run polls with very carefully worded questions, and where powerful aristocratic families have relatives in senior positions in the polling organisations used and publicised in the said...
Still They Rise
Ep 57
This week’s podcast explores the continuous rise of The Sussexes despite the barrage of negativity that has been sent their way since the middle of 2016, and the hurdles placed frequently in front of them since their engagement and their marriage in 2018. We will touch upon the intentions behind those who placed those hurdles hoping that the couple would fail in their aims in life, and we also look at the Institutions behind the campaign of hate which has now become a high value income generator for single purpose hate accounts on social media, and a new influx of income for organisations and owners of social media platforms. Currently there are limited elements of the law that can be pursued against those inciting hate, and there are next to no legal actions that can be taken against any entity or group or decides that the income is worth the risk, which is currently low.
Against this whole...
The Lost Souls of Windsor
Backwards Britain: Why It’s Time to Abolish the Monarchy | The National Interest
A direct quote from an article published in March 2020 in a publication called In The National Interest.
“The United Kingdom has more than its fair share of political problems. Three and a half years of acrimonious debate over the European Question—exacerbated by two rancorous general election campaigns—has left Britain with deep social and political divides. The 48 percent who voted to remain inside the European Union (EU) are understandably resentful at the 52 percent who are jubilant at now having left. It sometimes seems as though the very soul of Britain is up for grabs. Will it be an open or closed society? Cosmopolitan or intolerant? Internationalist or introverted?”
Moving outside of the quote, my personal opinion and answers to that last question is as follows:- It is becoming increasingly a closed society; it is definitely an intolerant one, when government reports and statutes contain...
The Psychology of Resentment
(Individuals – Groups – Dysfunctional Families – A Country)
This week’s podcast examines the phenomenon of the growth of negative coverage of one person, which developed into an industry of hate, commencing with the odd person voicing concerns, and then groups, and 2 dysfunctional families to apparently a whole nation – all according to the UK printed and televised media industry. None of the media industry personnel who have gone on to develop increased profile careers wallowing in this cesspool of hatred have met the person who has become their target, and none of the groups which have emerged since 2016 when the target came to the attention of the UK population, particularly those who read tabloids, have met the target either. Apparently UK media speak for the whole country, as they like to run polls with very carefully worded, and where powerful aristocratic families have relatives in senior positions in the polling organisations used and publicised in...
Your Workforce Plan is All Wrong
This weeks podcast is all about the Monarchy and its lack of planning for the future. I refer to Workforce in it most simplest and basic of forms, because I am almost certain that the British Royal Family do not know what a Workforce Plan is, and if they do, they would not use one. At best they would have documentation somewhere with the appropriate headings, but pay no attention to it. So, for the purpose of this podcast, and to find a way to give comments about the age profile (among many other things) of the ‘promoted’ Magnificent 7 by UK Media, in various computations, as being the group to fill the role of Prince Harry who stepped back from Senior Royal duties and removed his family and himself to a safer environment and one which would be better for their mental health. Apparently stepping back from tax payer funded duties has put the...
Welcome to the Windsor Twilight Zone
Introduction & Context – The Framework for a Windsor Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone was a TV series that first appeared on our screens in 1959. The idea for this unique tv template was the brainchild of an Emmy award winning writer, Rod Sterling. Rod Sterling became the host and wrote around 80 of the 150+ episodes that aired. Descriptions are abundant on the internet, including this one, “It is a strange mix of horror, science-fiction, drama, comedy and superstition. Sterling introduced each episode, and many of the black and white episodes concluded with a surprise ending. Actors such as Burt Reynolds, Roddy McDowell and Robert Redford made appearances in some of the more well known stories.”
The first series ran from 1959 to 1964. 2nd series ran from 1985 to 1989. In 2019 a new Twilight Zone TV series was developed based on the 1959 series. The narrator for this new series was one of the...
UK Media Obsession – Stalking / Harassment
Let’s Bring It Out From UK Shadows to the Desks of the International Legal Community.
This weeks podcast explores and ponders on the extraordinary behaviour of UK media when it come to the Sussexes, in particular Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. Activity that I as a non legal person considers it to be obsessional, dangerous, and in breach of multiple areas of UK and International Law. I consider these continual actions, to be carried out for purely self serving purposes. No regard is paid to the target/s and none of the possible outcomes are positive. One would think that following on from the demise of Princess Diana, and how all that treatment that ultimately resulted in tragedy, it would seem that nothing has been learnt from those years. The growth and reach of various social media platforms has given those who want to cause harm and deterioration in the mental health of its targets, has...
1000+ Years of UK Monarchies
Introduction – The Time Zones
The Normans – 1066-1154
The Norman invasion led by William the Conqueror reshaped Britain – from the rise of castles to the French words that began to appear in the English language
The Middle Ages – 1154-1485
The Plantagenet era was a time of conflict, burnished by stories of Richard the Lionheart and victory at Agincourt in 1415 during the Hundred Years War
The Tudors – 1485-1603
The Tudor era covers the Renaissance and Henry VIII to the Golden Age and Elizabeth I – via Shakespeare and the Spanish Armada
The Stuarts – 1603-1614
The Stuart period witnessed the Great Plague, the Fire of London, religious and political upheaval, the English Civil Wars, a republic and the restoration of the Crown
The Hanoverians : 1714-1901
The British Empire reached its peak under foreign rule with four king Georges, William IV and Queen Victoria
The Modern Era – 1901-2022
Today’s monarchy – with Queen Elizabeth II at the helm – has officially adapted and reinvented itself through two world wars and...
California Princess to UK Royal Princess to Global Princess
The idea of this weeks podcast emanated from a website focussed on parenting and child development in particular understanding types of human behaviour and using children stories as a framework to show and explain examples how they can recognise when people around them are acting in a certain way, to help them recognise what is going on and why, and to teach them how to protect themselves.
As you know I like to use academic models on occasions to give a framework to various types of human behaviour, and I considered what it would be like to use a well known story around the world, for a similar purpose. The difference being the audience is an adult one, and the framework is a childhood fairy tale. I use that approach to explain how character building takes place in the first phase, in this case Meghan’s childhood, and then university and then onto the...
You Never Know What You Have Until It Is Gone
Hello Ivy here,
Well well well, Sussex Squad told the Royalists from the ‘get go’ that this abusive treatment of the Sussexes, and lighting fires under their feet and then gaslighting them by telling them the equivalent of it was under floor heating, would backfire on the UK Monarchy. The Uk Monarchy has a long history of making life difficult for anyone who has independent thought and their worse crime is to shine brighter than any of the heirs to the throne. This ingrained entitlement dictates that those in line to the throne are anointed by a higher power and therefore should be worshipped without question. The populace is led to believe that they are not worthy of such grand people, and that they should recognise this fact, and believe all that is spoken by the Monarchy family. All Monarchy structures are not necessary to any modern society, and all will follow...
A Nation That Creates News to Balance the Scales Is a Nation With A Failing Economy
The UK has developed a reputation where the minority of the population still read newspapers, and their newspapers of choice are tabloids. Tabloids used to be seen as entertainment and gossip, and something that people read as a pleasant distraction from harsh cruel realities of life in places around the world. Tabloids were particularly popular on a Sunday, as they were seen as legitimate sources to read for amusement, as very few people read serious newspapers on the day renowned as being a day of rest. The members of the population who read newspapers based on how they wanted friends and colleagues to rate them – both in the workplace as well as outside of it – rating in terms of obvious intellect and a desire to get to the nuts and bolts of a discussion on topics which occupied enquiring minds. The latter group...
Scapegoating – The Psychology of Family/Group Dynamics
SGUK Podcast Episode 36 – 20/02/22
Todays podcast, expands on topics we have previously discussed in the SGUK podcasts to date, ie Dysfunctional family dynamics, Group Dynamics, in particular the levels of control and how hatred and discriminatory behaviour patterns begin to merge, and how there is a wealth of academic research into how the hatred grows, and the levels in the structure dictate the application of that professed hatred. We explored how those that progress through the ranks of their group structure, emerges as a validation of their worth in their own eyes, and feel that there is a level of camaraderie and friendship that does not exist outside that bubble. There is a general feeling that anyone outside of the group is a threat in some way, and the delusion grows into dangerous proportions with time and progression through the group. We also looked at how narcissists function in such a structure, and...
Who Do Narcissistic Men Target?
What Traits Make You a Prime Target & What Point Should it Become a Legal Matter?
I keep on seeing people from various corners of the planet, who regularly do things that others would be challenged about, and in some cases, have legal action taken against them. In all cases, the class system appears to play a part in terms of the ‘turning of a blind eye’ to certain actions, because some people are seen as above the law, or their behaviour is seen as a grain of sand in an otherwise trouble free existence. Good character etc etc. Some people anyway. If we explore this category further, we can further subdivide the perpetrators, and do the same with the people they target.
For the regular perpetrators of certain categories of acts, with research, it is possible to see even more patterns and trends, of both the perpetrators and also the people they choose to be on the...
Reporting on The Sussexes in the UK – Misinformation & Disinformation Techniques
The article accompanying this weeks podcast looks at a selection of Sussex key dates in 2021 & 2022, focussing on the UK media practice of misinformation or disinformation about each one, with the intent to distract from actual newsworthy editorial that should be reported on. We have plenty to look forward to in 2022 with many key events in the calendar. Be prepared for the distraction tactics to go up a gear or two. UK RRs are currently having dry baths in the ashes that they claimed to wish for, ie the apparent popularity of the relics of UK Monarchy. We know that they only eat when they insert the name of Harry or Meghan into their fake headlines, as they continue to scrape the barrel of UK Royal activity in their effort to make fetch happen. At least one RR was based in Montecito over the festive period,...